
We finally have a website!

It almost feels like an impossible dream come true for so many reasons… the biggest one being how technologically challenged Kyle and I are!

But let me back up. First I should introduce ourselves. We are Kyle and Rachel Hester of WhoopsyDaisy Farm. Rachel will be the typical voice behind these blog posts, but occasionally Kyle may stop in to share his thoughts. We will mainly be sharing about our farm, adventures on the farm, farming ventures that lead to products available for your purchase and enjoyment, etc . Occasionally we’ll share about faith, mindsets, what drives us, etc.

Kyle works full time off farm in Emergency Services and has certifications in three different disciplines in that field. Therefore we are unapologetically pro-second amendment and rather libertarian in our way of thinking. We Back the Blue and have no patience for the Woke ideology or agenda. If that offends you, there’s no need to debate or let us know how much you disagree with us. Just don’t buy from us and don’t visit our page. That’s the beauty of a free country - you get to choose who you want to personally support or not.

Rachel works part time off farm - currently cleaning at our church. The rest of her time is spent creating beautiful farm products, or caring for the critters who create the raw material for beautiful farm products, or cleaning up the mess in the home from creating beautiful farm products… or making delicious nourishing food from other farm products to sustain our health and happiness.

We are Bible Believing Christians. So our hope is that our Farm is not just a place of lovely product production, but a ministry. We firmly believe the Lord cares about His creatures more than we do, and we’ve seen firsthand how the Holy Spirit uses animals to help sanctify and heal His people.

We are so excited to bring our farm out of obscurity and into the marketplace where the public can find and enjoy our products. If you have any questions or suggestions about how our products can best serve your needs, please feel free to let us know and we’ll be happy to work with you to the best of our ability.

We can’t wait to get to know our customers better in this new online business venture. Our hope is that we will become friends who can mutually benefit one another as we grow in this journey.

Hope to see you here again soon!

Blessings to you,

Rachel & Kyle


Homesteaders of America